Moringa is known as the tree of life for its medicinal properties, great variety of therapeutic and medical uses, because of this reason in “Prados de Paraíso” there will be planted 26 thousand trees.

This tree, native from India, is very leafy and can measure up to 10 meters. It is currently grown in Asia, America, Africa and even in Europe.

For many years, the leaves of this tree have been used in traditional Indian medicine and its applied to prevent diseases.

Scientists determined that this tree offers a countless health benefits, which contains a high value of proteins, vitamins, approximately 46 antioxidants that help to prevent malignant formations and minerals such as calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc. All these nutrients make up a complete nutritional supplement for the well-being of our health.

The flowers are used as an ingredient for salads, and so their roots are very similar to carrots. You can eat both raw and boiled as a complement to other dishes.

By having a large amount of vitamins and bioflavonoids, they delay aging, preventing the effect of free radicals in the body.

What other benefits does the “Moringa” tree bring?


The infusions prepared with roots, leaves, flowers, and seeds, act as diuretics and help eliminate toxins from the body.

They also lower blood cholesterol.


Both the root extract of Moringa and its seeds can help in chronic inflammatory diseases.


Moringa seed grains improve respiratory functions, relaxes the bronchioles since it contains substances similar to ephedrine, used in the treatment of asthma.


The Pterygospermin extracted from the leaves helps fight infections and has a great antifungal action.


Three hours after its ingestion, Moringa manages to lower blood sugar levels.


Contains bioactive compounds such as niazimicin, which protect the body against cancer. Antioxidants help reduce the formation of cancer cells.


The leaves of the Moringa contain biological assets, which help stabilize the body’s blood pressure, thus acting as a hypotensive.

Cardiac and circulatory stimulant:

The roots of Moringa contain alkaloids that act as a cardiac stimulant through the nervous system.