Gardening is the art of growing and decorating gardens. It consists of cultivating, both in an open and closed space, flowers, trees, or vegetables, either esthetically, just because, or for dietary reasons, and in which the economic objective is just secondary.

It is a task that although it’s not easy, it is very fun, relaxing and in some way even rejuvenating. It produces a feeling of well-being and is very rewarding when done properly.


The practice of gardening is a very fun, rewarding and emotional activity. It is about the cultivation and care of other living beings such as plants.

It’s not only about decorating and beautificating your home (which helps us feel better and renews the feeling of belonging home), but it involves a process of growth at different levels, emotionally and spiritually.

There is also the possibility of growing our own food and even save some money, turning the backyard into our market.

Finally, in many cultures and in several therapies it is believed that plants are a source of energy. So you can even establish a certain energy connection with them, care for them and benefit each other.

For example, there are those who while irrigating their plants, often sing, talk or whisper words of encouragement and argue that this helps in the growth and development of plants. Maybe you don’t do it, but there are many people who speak to plants.

These people claim that such activity has healing and therapeutic properties that make plants grow faster and with more energy.


The soil acts as an antidepressant

Garden soil has similar effects on the brain than antidepressants, so being in contact with the earth will help you have a better mood. There is a study that was carried out at the Bristol University where, with colleagues from the University of London College, the way in which the mice were exposed to «friendly» bacteria normally found in the soil, was examined, a1nd they were able to verify how they altered their behavior in a similar way to that which occurs when taking antidepressants.

This helps us understand how we are nature created beings. Our body, when it gets in contact with nature, communicates with the brain and provides greater physical and mental health. Everyone should spend, once in a week, some time working in gardening or at least being able to play with the land as children do. They are authentic teachers!

Gardening is a physical activity

Some of the activities that involve working in a garden, such as digging wells in the ground, loading different objects and being in constant movement requires a physical effort from our part that will help us keep in shape and avoid unhealthy weights.

Women who practice gardening adequately present cases of osteoporosis and other bone problems in smaller numbers than swimmers, runners and women who do aerobics.

Striving to maintain the beauty of the garden is also good for those who suffer from diabetes. Doctors recommend at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week, so those who suffer from diabetes and develop gardening manage to control the disease better than those who don’t.

Tranquility and relaxation

Working with the plants, herbs and flowers of the garden allows you to breathe fresh air and be in direct contact with nature. It also provides a perfect space for meditation. Therefore, gardening also proves to be very good as a complementary treatment in cases of dementia and anxiety problems.

People with sleep problems also find this activity a good alternative, because of both, the fatigue produced by physical effort and the inner peace that transmits being in this contact with nature.

In the same way it also works against depression. A colorful and lively garden transmits some happiness and rejoicing. Especially when the person is aware of the result of their work when cultivating flowers and fruits of their harvest.